On my Mac/Windows PC…LogMeIn

LogMeIn for Macintosh and Windows

Logmein logo

If you have more than one computer, or find yourself offering computer support for friends and family, LogMeIn is a MUST HAVE on your Mac or Windows PC. LogMeIn allows you to remotely control any computer from afar, as long as you have a network connection. Here is how to get it.

  • Sign up for a LogMeIn Free account (although you will get an upsell for the Pro version when you do)
  • Log into your new account and choose Add Computer. This will place LogMeIn on this particular system and allow you to control it from another computer (or even your iPhone/iPad)
  • To control this machine, log into your LogMeIn account from any other machine, select a computer from your list of available systems and control away!
  • You can add up to 10 separate computers on the Free LogMeIn account, so you can set up your parent;s computer, your brother, your sister and even that strange cousin 3 states over. (LAUGH)

Link: LogMeIn for Macintosh and Windows


Previously in On My Mac...

On My Mac/Windows PC is an on-going series highlighting the software (and sometimes, hardware) I use on my Mac nearly every day. Look for additional On My Mac…posts in the coming weeks! -- Douglas


Unknown said…
Logmein is good. Additionally, tools like RHUB remote support servers can also be used for remotely accessing computers. It works on both MAC and Windows.