Link Focus: 9 Practical Tips For Your iOS7 Device

9 Practical Tips For Your iOS7 Device

There is nothing so useful as that tiny tech tip that makes your life and work just a little bit easier. We always seemed to be surprised by these tidbits that others turn up, but I know i always find them so, so useful. This article from gives you 9 great tips on how to make your iPhone or iPad work just a little bit harder and a little bit better. From burst mode photography settings to managing and using you location, there should be at least one tip that hits home for you. For me it was using the burst photography settings to catch the best photos of people and led me to investigate iTunes Radio more, which has now become my go-to music streaming source here in the home office.

9 practical tips


Since iOS7 became public for use, the latest Apple software has gotten mixed reviews. While overall users have found the software to come with multiple benefits, there are many individuals that feel that the user interface could have been developed a bit better. Other complaints of iOS7 are how a lot of the features aren’t easily found or known to new users. Which is why today, we will offer you 9 practical tips for your iOS7 device.

Previously on Link Focus:

Link Focus is a series that comments on some of the links I share on my social media accounts and here on the web site. To get these links as I find them, subscribe to me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and elsewhere. Also look for the "My Favorite Things" posts that appear regularly in the blog. These include collections of links for each calendar month.

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