Make With: Blue 0.96" I2C IIC 128X64 OLED LCD Display Module for Arduino

Make With focuses on a collection of parts that can be used with Arduino, Raspberry Pi and more!

Blue 0.96" I2C IIC 128X64 OLED LCD Display Module For Arduino UNO R3 Breadboard

You can easily purchase your own via Amazon, eBay and other sources.

Thl with oled

My Temperature, Humidity and Light Level Sensor Project with OLED Screen.

Blue oled

A cool, tiny, OLED display for your Arduino and Raspberry Pi projects. While I often like to send my data to “the cloud”, sometimes having a display on your project works well. With the u8glib, you can draw graphics and text in a large number of different fonts.

See the setup and display at work in this video from Julien Ilett, one of my favorite channels on YouTube.

Get your own Arduino Gear via Amazon

Get your own Arduino Gear via eBay
