On my iPhone/Android…iMap Weather Radio

Imap weather icon

iMap Weather Radio for iOS | iMap Weather Radio for Android

I am not usually one to buy high-priced smartphone apps (and I did get this one for free on its initial launch) but iMap Weather Radio could be worth the $9.99 price tag if you live in an are with violent and unpredictable weather. It would be very useful and maybe even save your life. That is high praise for a smartphone app, but if you live in Tornado Alley here in the US or anywhere there is violent weather, you need warning of incoming weather so you can prepare yourself and your property.

Like the weather radios we have seen for years, imps Weather Radio receives, and immediately broadcasts, important weather advisories, watches and warning. They begin playing immediately in audio format no matter what you might be doing with your phone. I have mine set for weather alerts both here in Los Angeles, where I live, and for my hometown in Ohio where my parents still live. Frankly there is a lot more weather in Ohio and it allows me to keep tabs on my family and property there and let's me check in with them should they be facing any issues.

Of course, one disadvantage to a smartphone app as opposed to a standard weather radio is that the app depends on having a data connection to the Internet in order to download and play the alerts. If bad weather has already taken down the cell phone system in your area you may not receive the notices. One large advantage though is that, like most people, you carry your phone everywhere you go, where a weather radio might only be located in your home or office.

Imap weather screen

From the Google Play Store...

"With iMap Weather Radio you will receive critical alerts via voice and push notification regarding life-threatening weather events. Your Android device will “wake up” with alerts and also track your location to warn you wherever you go. Listen to local weather forecasts while you are on the move. Enjoy the power of a NOAA Weather Radio, with all the convenience and precision of a smart phone."

Previously in "On my iPhone/Android…":

"On my iPhone…" is a new series from TechnologyIQ, sharing real world examples of how I use my iPhone, interesting apps and more!
