On my iPhone… ** Free today only ** - ActMonitor By Aeonika - Monitor lots of info about your iPhone and apps

Act monitor icon
Monitor tons of information about your iPhone, the apps it runs and the data it uses.
From the iTunes App Store...

The app shows you system info about your device. It takes almost no space and really easy to use.

+ Information about the network.
+ Wi-Fi, Edge/3G/LTE and Bluetooth traffic.
+ Battery level, status and remainng life (estimated).
+ Memory status.
+ Disk free space information.
+ Processes list (To show system processes just pull list down).
+ Device identity (device name, os version, UDID (if available)) wich can be sent by email
+ Other detail info about Apple devices.

Previously in "On my iPhone/Android…":

"On my iPhone…" is a new series from TechnologyIQ, sharing real world examples of how I use my iPhone, interesting apps and more
