On My iPhone…Moodies Emotions Analytics

Moodies iOS App
I am always interesting in investigating the more esoteric uses for my iPhone and other technology. Moodies is an app that claims to divine your mood using only your voice. I have only played around with it a bit, but it does seem to reflect my mood at the time, but I need to test it it out with other people and see what they think of the analysis. I know, for myself, that I am not always the most observant of my own moods. I can be caught up in them and not notice I am anxious or stressed until someone points it out. Moodies might be interesting to help me be aware of my moods more often.
From the iTunes App Store...

Your mood in 20 seconds. Just press a button and talk.

Intrigued by emotions?
Want to know how sentiment look like?
Curious to understand how you and your colleagues feel as you speak, right now?

Moodies is providing the answer - all with a press of a button.

Based on 18 year of research into the science of emotions, Moodies analyses and presents the current emotional state of speakers in real time, as they speak. Based on Beyond Verbal’s award winning Emotions Analytics cloud-based engine, Moodies listens to vocal intonations to understand our emotions as we speak – because it's not what we say, but HOW we say it.

At the press of a button, Moodies requires just 15 seconds of speech to provide a deep, highly granular mood analysis which includes:

Our Primary Mood: The speaker's most expressed current emotional state
Our Secondary Mood: The speaker’s less expressed mood.
Overall mood group categorizations.

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Moodies screen 

Previously in "On my iPhone/Android…":

"On my iPhone…" is a new series from TechnologyIQ, sharing real world examples of how I use my iPhone, interesting apps and more
