Elsewhere Online: AT&T's New TOS: Caps, Fewer Legal Rights, Forced U-Verse Upgrade - And a Provision Forcing You to be Polite About it All | DSLReports.com, ISP Information
If you have ever thought about switching away from AT&T broadband Internet services, now may be the time to put your plans in action. Harkening back to the old monopolistic days of Ma Bell, AT&T's new terms of service seem to be saying "Like it or lump it"...and oh, and by the way, if you complain about it too loudly, we'll cut you off anyway. The fact that it is AT&T's own horrible policies, and even worse service, that has angered its customers seems to be ignored. Look for alternatives for your Internet service today. Vote with your wallet and your feet. AT&T's New TOS: Caps, Fewer Legal Rights, Forced U-Verse Upgrade - And a Provision Forcing You to be Polite About it All | DSLReports.com, ISP Information : "AT&T's New TOS: Caps, Fewer Legal Rights, Forced U-Verse Upgrade And a Provision Forcing You to be Polite About it All by Karl Bode 4 hours ago tags: business · Op/Ed · consumers · AT&T U-Verse · AT&T Southeast · AT...