
Noted: Krita Is a Fast, Flexible, and Free Photoshop Alternative Built by Artists

Noted: NovaVGA Shield Adds VGA Output to Arduino Boards

On YouTube: Arduino Tutorial: How to make an analog Thermometer with Arduino a DS18B20 and an analog Voltmeter

Noted: Hello World: A new computing and digital making magazine educators #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

On YouTube: STEMTera Breadboard vis SparkFun

Noted: From Stuffed Animals to Vacuum Cleaners, ‘Repair Cafes’ are Extending Consumer Product Lifecycles

Noted: Runaway Handwritten Font

On YouTube: The Best Home WiFi Solution from Linus Tech Tips

Noted: Internet Of Things? Fishino!

Noted: Hidden Bookshelf Door Shows Incredible Motion

Noted: Belkin WeMo Mini Wi-Fi Smart Plug review via C|Net

Noted: Cayenne for Arduino Beta

Noted: 3 Robots That Help Kids Learn to Code

Noted: Slack adds threaded messages to take the clutter out of public channels

Noted: The best home 3D printer for beginners (so far)

Noted: Running Breadboard

Noted: Raspberry Pi launches a version of its OS for PC and Mac

On YouTube: #110 Complete OTA with a Reed Switch ?

Noted: DIY WiFi Smart Plug

Noted: Toggle an LED with Real HTTPS to Raspberry PI - no Public IP

On YouTube: How to Use a Multimeter from Sparkfun

Noted: Etcher Is The Easiest Way To Make A Raspberry Pi SD Card - LIiehacker Australia

Noted: Introduction to NanoPi NEO Air

Noted: Amazon Dash Button for Arduino!

Noted: New IDE for all Arduino boards, the family reunites!

Noted: ZeroDriver, the Arduino Zero-compatible dual-motor driver board for robotics and mechatronics projects.