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Showing posts from January, 2018

Sony KOOV Robotics Kit Review: Hands on with the Robots via Technabob

Every generation’s kids seem to know much more about technology than the prior generation. I grew up as part of the first wave of kids to use desktop computers, and now the little ones are using smartphones and tablets like they were born with them as appendages. Today’s youngsters are picking up science and technology at a faster pace than ever before. Now, kids can learn how to create their own robots at home or in the classroom. Developed by Sony Electronics and Sony Global Education, the KOOV building system aims to teach kids to do just that. Read Sony KOOV Robotics Kit Review: Hands on with the Robots - Technabob via Technabob An interesting link found among my daily reading

Simple Battery Holder for Coin Cells via Instructables

Read Simple Battery Holder for Coin Cells via Instructables An interesting link found among my daily reading

Simple Battery Holder For Coin Cells via Instructables

Great idea for school projects or any event where you have a lot of attendees who want to power their projects. You could even make the manufacture of these holders a project for more experienced makers in your group. — Douglas Small coin cell batteries are inexpensive and useful, with one big problem, how do you connect to them? You can purchase holders for cylindrical that are complete with wires to make it easy to connect to your project, but not so for coin cells. Here is a very simple solution for using coin cell batteries to power small projects. The holder will work with almost any coin or button cell, even tiny hearing aid batteries. Since the cost is so low, this method is ideal for Maker Camps and other kid activities. Read Simple Battery Holder For Coin Cells via Instructables Learn more about making and makers with these books † † † * A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs ** Many of these books may be available from your local libra...

Most Viewed Pages on Technology IQ for 2017

Here are the Most Viewed Pages for 2017 on Technology IQ Did you miss any of them? Check them out now! TechnologyIQ TechnologyIQ: Noted: 50 of the most important Raspberry Pi Senors and Components TechnologyIQ: Noted: 50 of the most important Raspberry Pi Senors and Components TechnologyIQ: Noted: Amazing Binary Clock using LED Matrix Module TechnologyIQ: Arduino Life 4: Visualizing Your Project's Data with Ubidots TechnologyIQ: Raspberry Pi Workshop for Beginners - Tutorial via Core Electronics TechnologyIQ: Noted: Kano - a Raspberry Pi computer kit now has a screen TechnologyIQ: New Kano Computer Kit (Based on Raspberry Pi) Now Available $150 USD TechnologyIQ: 64 Online Resources to Learn to Code for Free via Business Insider TechnologyIQ: Noted: Electronic Foldable Prototyping Workbench TechnologyIQ: Raspberry Pi Workshop for Beginners - Tutorial via Core Electronics TechnologyIQ: Codebender - An Online Code Editor for Arduino: Write Code & Program Your Arduino In Your B...

Libraries across the U.S. are Ready to Code via The Official Google Blog

Not everyone wants or needs to be a programmer, but programming can help you learn other skills like organization, problem solving, critical thinking and more! Check out this program from Google and see if your local library is involved. — Douglas Emily Zorea is not a computer scientist. She’s a Youth Services Librarian at the Brewer Public Library in Richland Center, Wisconsin, but when she noticed that local students were showing an interest in computer science (CS), she started a coding program at the library. Though she didn’t have a CS background, she understood that coding, collaboration and creativity were  critical skills for students to approach complex problems and improve the world around them. Because of Emily’s work, the Brewer Public Library is now Ready to Code. At the American Library Association, we want to give librarians like Emily the opportunity to teach these skills, which is why we are thrilled to partner with Google on the next phase of the Libraries Ready to...

Real Time Face Tracking using ArduinoIn this project, the... via Circuit Digest

In this project, the mobile camera will move along with your face with the help of servos. The advantage of using the Android Mobile Phone here is that you do not need to invest on a camera module and the whole image detection work can be done in the phone itself, you do not need your Arduino connected to your computer for this to work. Here we have used Bluetooth Module with Arduino to communicate with Mobile wirelessly. Read Real Time Face Tracking using ArduinoIn this project, the... via Circuit Digest * A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs ** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out! An interesting link found among my daily reading