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Showing posts from January, 2011

Quora Answer to: I'm tired of consulting all my bookmarks to see if there are some new hot articles on the internet. What should I do ?

I'm tired of consulting all my bookmarks to see if there are some new hot articles on the internet. What should I do ? ? Head over to and sign up/sign in. Now visit your favorite blogs from your bookmarks and subscribe to the RSS feed for each of these blogs. Reader will now bring new information to you instead of you having to visit each site. Repeat with new sources you find in your travels and check out what Reader offers up as recommendations to find even more. I liken reading my RSS feeds each day to flipping through a stack of magazine -- magazines that publish every day. I use my laptop and my iPhone to read my feeds whenever I have time -- like when I am stuck in line at the store, waiting for an appointment to begin, etc. I think you will find yourself adding more and more feeds to your Reader as you move forward as it is so easy to flip through them and glean out the most interesting articles. Read more answers to this question

Quora Answer: What is the best solution to share a single calendar between two people on their iPhones

"I am sure someone else will say .Mac/.Me, but I have found that using Google Calendar, along with its sharing and syncing options works pretty well for me. We have 3 Macs and 2 iPhone syncing together and sharing calendars among myself, my wife and my son. The shared calendars greatly help us manage our schedules which change quite frequently as I am a freelancer and my wife an adjunct college professor at 4 different school. My 12 year old son adds even more into the mix with school, after-school activities and his interest in archery and other pursuits. ? My set up includes 3 separate Gmail accounts which then share their calendar with the others. These accounts are then used to sync the iphones where needed. I can add/edit items in my own calendar, as well as theirs. In the left hand column, next to the name of your calendar, click the down pointing arrow and select Share this calendar by entering the email address of the person you want to share with. Have your wife do the sa...