
On my iPhone… ** Free today only ** - ActMonitor By Aeonika - Monitor lots of info about your iPhone and apps

On my iPhone…Sunrise Calendar for iCloud and Google Calendar

Video: Cable management for your computer desktop using Ikea Signum

What I'm Reading...Wikipatterns

On my iPhone/Android…Stevie - A customized video channel using your social media feeds

Why are some people intimidated by technology?

Video: Wordpress Wednesday 6: Using Images in your blog posts

On my iPhone...iDashboard - Monitor your Google Analytics on the go!

Software: DBAN deletes your files from older computers before getting rid of them

Book: The Difference Engine: Charles Babbage and the Quest to Build the First Computer by Doron Swade

Video: Using Voice dictation on your iPad (iPhone and even Android)

Video: Minefull Gone Technical: Detailed player logs and info with Bukkit and Splunk

74 of My Favorite Technology Things for December 2013 - Douglas E. Welch

Top 20 Blog Posts for 2013 from TechnologyIQ