
Arduino Life 2: Getting Geeky in the Garden: Temperature, Humidity and Light Level Sensor [Video] (20:21)

Arduino Life 1: Greenhouse Temperature, Humidity and Light Level Arduino Project

Now Use Your Raspberry Pi to Program Your Arduino - Arduino IDE for Raspberry Pi

Sometimes you just want to start doing cool stuff with your Raspberry Pi - Check out the NOOBS Installer

Noted: Root, the code-teaching robot via @HackerspaceLA

Virtual Reality In Your Hands - Google Cardboard at this week's Hackerspace LA Meetup - Wed, April 20, 2016 @ 7pm

Noted: Open Source Robotics With WireBeings

Liked: Introduction to the Arduino Yun and the Internet of Things #1 and #2 from Julian Ilett [Video]

Noted: Find time for your goals with Google Calendar

Liked: Connect a Relay and PIR Motion Sensor to an Arduino - Tutorial [Video]

Noted: Arduino Comes To The Raspberry Pi, Linux ARM Devices

Liked: Wireless RF Remote & Receiver! Easy & Cheap! Great for Arduino and Raspberry Pi! [Video]

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Web-based Circuit Simulator via Lushprojects

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Under Consideration: VIZIO S5451w-C2 5.1 Channel Sound Bar with Subwoofer and Surrounds

Liked: Arduino Radar Project [Video]

Anker AH241 USB 3.0 Aluminum 13-Port Hub + 5V 2.1A Smart Charging Port with 12V 5A Power Adapter

Get Your Own Minecraft Multiplayer World with MCProHosting

Liked: Comparison of the Arduino, Raspberry Pi 2, and Beaglebone Black Rev. 3 [Video]

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Grove - Arduino Starter Kit Plus [Product]

Liked: The New Arduino 101 (Genuino 101) - Unboxing, Set Up, and Comparing it to the Arduino Uno [Video]

iPhone Cases Available Exclusively from Douglas E. Welch and TechnologyIQ

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37 Sensors for Arduino or Raspberry Pi Projects - Unboxing by Circuit Basics [Video]

Free "California Poppies" Computer, Tablet and Smartphone Wallpapers and Products [Photography]